Saturday, July 7, 2012


So far its been quite a BUSY summer and I haven't had time to post anything since the UK caricature posters (which I still have some available, by the way!), so I'm going to try to post a project each week that I worked on this summer.
Here is the first one:  A basketball art poster for a birthday present.  This guy was a big Kobe Bryant fan so his family commissioned me to do an art poster for his birthday

1 comment:

  1. Hi Russ!
    I just wanted to comment on how awesome your work is! I really enjoy how colorful & amazing your work is! I JUST now found out you had commented on my blog AGES ago! And just wanted to apologize for the late reply! lol. :P I had my comments set to approve them.. and am looking at approving them for the 1st time in like 2 years! I didn't know I had so many! So sorry about that!

    Either way, your artwork is brilliant! I will be bookmarking you for sure! Thanks again for the inspiration! :D
